

Building brick entities in A-Frame, pre-integrated with PhysX physics.


This is a work-in-progress.



Property Description Default
width The width of the brick, in studs. 4
depth The depth of the brick, in studs 2
height The height of the brick, in plates. A plate has height 1, a standard brick has height 3. 3
cylinder-segments How many segments to use in the cylinder geometries for the studs, and pipes underneath the brick. More segments results in a more circular appearance, but at a performance cost, as more triangles have to be rendered. 8
movement One of: static, dynamic or kinematic. This determines the type of physx-body configured on the brick in the physics engine. See physx documentation for more detail. dynamic
color The color of the brick red

Here is what the default brick, looks like:


Explore all the options here.


An <a-brick> primitive is also provided. The properties are identical to those on the brick component above.

Here’s a base plate, which can be created like this:

<a-brick width="20" depth="20" height="1" color="green"></a-brick>



<script src=""></script>

To use physics in the scene, you should also include PhysX:

<script src=""></script>

(check PhysX docs for up-to-date installation guidance)


brick-viewer - experiment with the various options for a single brick

falling bricks - a stream of bricks fall onto a static base plate

wall - this example is a work-in-progress (or perhaps a “disproof of concept” :-). Bricks are joined using PhysX fixed joints, but these are not rigid enough and lead to the wall bowing when above about 7 bricks in height. My plan is to replace fixed joints by using a “single actor with multiple shapes” to model the physics for a set of bricks joined together in a fixed manner, as per the docs here, but this is quite a substantial change!

snapping - moveable, snappable bricks. This example uses the dynamic-snap component and the plug-socket system to support snapping bricks together, under control of either mouse or laser controls. No physics / gravity / collision detection yet (so unbound blocks levitate where they are left, and bricks can overlap each other), and a few minor bugs with positioning that still need ironing out.

See also: tests

